After the Joker arise.. why did i still think he's lonely?
Hmm.. the bad man won't exist if the good man doesn't show, so i prefer make another figure to accompany him..
With a good luck, i found Batman with exo-skeleton mask, perhaps came from Batman Animation serial, a good figure to face the bad bad Joker. I bought it cheaply at a little action figure shop near my campus and i think it's not original either, ...but it's fine. Then, i make another standing figure for the Bat but a bit taller than the first and with the same small LED lamp with a small switch hide in the brown box behind him. You may see the comparison here..
Now the Bat has ready to rumble and the show may begin..
wah..keren jg y pke begron gtu..
ReplyDelete..apalagi klo lampu di atas figurnya dinyalain pas ruangan lagi gelap.. kereeeeeeennn^_^